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FOB-Hi Rapid Test CE / REF: R2011C

FOB-Hi Rapid Test CE / REF: R2011C

FOB-Hi Rapid Test CE / REF: R2011C


FOB-Hi Rapid Test CE

TheĀ OnSiteĀ FOB-Hi Rapid Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of fecal occult blood in human fecal specimens in laboratories or physician offices.
It is intended to be used by professionals as a screening test and provides a preliminary test result to aid in the detection of bleeding caused by a number of gastrointestinal disorders, e.g. diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, and colorectal cancer.

  • Designed to specifically detect low levels of fecal occult blood, hHB ā‰„ 25 ng/mL
  • Higher accuracy, sensitivity and specificity than the Guaiac Test
  • No dietary restrictions
  • Clear, easy-to-interpret result
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