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Complement 4 (C4) Blood Test / REF: C4210219

Complement 4 (C4) Blood Test / REF: C4210219

Complement 4 (C4) Blood Test / REF: C4210219


Complement 4 (C4) Blood Test

The c4 complement blood test kit is used for in vitro quantitative determination of complement 4 in human serum samples, as an auxiliary diagnostic application.

Testing Principle of C4 Complement Blood Test

  • A certain amount of complement 4 in human serum meets the corresponding antibody (sheep anti-human complement 4 antibodies) of the reagent in the liquid phase and combines to form an antigen-antibody complex, resulting in certain turbidity.
  • This turbidity is proportional to the concentration of complement 4 in the sample in the presence of sufficient antibodies.
  • After measuring the turbidity, the concentration of complement 4 in the sample serum can be obtained by comparing it with the standard serum.
Basic Parameters of Complement C4 Test
  • Specimen: serum.
  • Test time: 300 seconds.
  • Packing: 25 Tests/ Kit.
  • Box Size: 17*10*8cm.
  • Storage: 2-8℃.
  • Shelf life: 1 year.
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